Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've been skimping out on my blogging for the last several weeks and lots has developed since then. We went out on Halloween to support our friend who was DJing at a local bar. I know what many of you must be thinking, "You're pregnant!" "That's ghetto. I've never seen a pregnant woman out late at night at a bar." Yes, yes I hear your concerns but give me a break folks I was dying to get out even if for a bit, even if i felt inadequate, even if i was over 30 weeks pregnant. We went out, husband dressed up in costume and stayed just a little over an hour...and I loved it!

My parent's threw us a baby shower (part deux) the following weekend. I had a fabulous time with family and friends. Thank you to those who made it out that night.
With my maternity leave nearing I will soon have time, lots of it, to post up pictures and frequently blog so keep on the lookout.

But as of today November 18th it's my birthday.
For the last week everyone was asking, "What are you plans for your birthday?"
I haven't really thought about my birthday plans as I've mostly anticipated another birthday in the horizon.
My wonderful husband is taking me out to dinner at Houston's, one of the many steak houses here in Pasadena. This will probably be one of, if not the last, moderately fancy dining experiences my husband and I will have alone before the arrival of our baby.

Speaking of baby-I know I've had baby on the brain- I'm 36 weeks and anxious to meet our little one. We had our bathroom painted today and have yet to set up our co-sleeper (BTW, thank you Emily for our gift). Most of, if not all, of baby's clothes, bedding, and blankets are being washed. Our bags are packed and we'll be brushing up on our breathing techniques in the next few days. With just four weeks to go till baby's birthday I can only imagine what those women felt like who were post term. This waiting is driving me nuts. But baby, give me another week or two and we'll be ready.

We're heading out to dinner shortly and I still have to get my hair done nicely and find some maternity pants I can squeeze into.


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